Acupuncture is a holistic medicine that has been practiced for well over 3000 years. In its system, the practitioner doesn’t treat the symptom, he treats the patient. Two people could show the same symptoms caused by very different things in each respective patient and therefore will need to be treated in different ways. However, the goal remains the same: to return the body back to a state of harmony. In acupuncture, practitioners view the body as an interconnected webbing, much like the fascia that surrounds our organs and bones, and practitioners use various systems like the Meridian system (pathways that supply Qi all around the body) and Zang-Fu Organ system, to view the body in this holistic way. The modalities used can vary depending on patient need; however needling, needling with electro-stimulation, cupping, gua sha, tui na, herbology and nutrition are applied to facilitate change. In acupuncture, you are the healer, the needle (or whatever form of modality) is the connection to the practitioner, who is there to tell your body what it needs to be doing to perform in an optimal way.
Acupuncture has been known to provide relief for:
~ Musculoskeletal pathologies
~ Pain
~ Common cold/ Flus
~ Dermatological disorders
~ Stress
~ Anxiety
~ Gynecological disorders
~ Headaches
~ Gastrointestinal pathologies
~ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
~ Depression
~ Diabetes
~ Addiction
~ Allergies
~ Infertility
Please note that at this time our Acupuncturist does not provide WCB services.
Select a Therapist listed below to schedule an Acupuncture Appointment online! Please note that your first Acupuncture Assessment and Treatment must be scheduled by calling 780.986.0566.
La Riena Kuhn, R.Ac
Acupuncture has been known to provide relief for:
~ Musculoskeletal pathologies
~ Pain
~ Common cold/ Flus
~ Dermatological disorders
~ Stress
~ Anxiety
~ Gynecological disorders
~ Headaches
~ Gastrointestinal pathologies
~ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
~ Depression
~ Diabetes
~ Addiction
~ Allergies
~ Infertility
Please note that at this time our Acupuncturist does not provide WCB services.
Select a Therapist listed below to schedule an Acupuncture Appointment online! Please note that your first Acupuncture Assessment and Treatment must be scheduled by calling 780.986.0566.
La Riena Kuhn, R.Ac
Chiropractic is a primary healthcare profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system. The effects of these disorders on general health and quality of life are the prime focus of a chiropractic doctor.
Our Chiropractors provide rehabilitation treatments for sports injuries, motor vehicle accident injuries, work related injuries and injuries related to day to day living. We cater to clients of all ages including children, adults and seniors. Treatment is provided in a safe, non invasive, and relaxing environment. We offer the highest quality of chiropractic care to all our clients. We are friendly, knowledgeable and care about all aspects of your treatment. Each treatment is customized to meet your specific needs by incorporating a variety of assessment and treatment techniques that are best suited to you as an individual. As part of our service, we will provide you with knowledge of self-administered pain management techniques such as stretching and strengthening exercises.
Conditions we can help you with include:
~ Back, Neck, Shoulder pain
~ Stiffness in Joints
~ Headaches & Migraines
~ Leg pain and Sciatica
~ Arthritic pain
~ Postural, and Gait problems
~ Sports Injuries
Select a Therapist listed below to schedule Chiropractic Appointment online!
Dr. Jordan Watson
Our Chiropractors provide rehabilitation treatments for sports injuries, motor vehicle accident injuries, work related injuries and injuries related to day to day living. We cater to clients of all ages including children, adults and seniors. Treatment is provided in a safe, non invasive, and relaxing environment. We offer the highest quality of chiropractic care to all our clients. We are friendly, knowledgeable and care about all aspects of your treatment. Each treatment is customized to meet your specific needs by incorporating a variety of assessment and treatment techniques that are best suited to you as an individual. As part of our service, we will provide you with knowledge of self-administered pain management techniques such as stretching and strengthening exercises.
Conditions we can help you with include:
~ Back, Neck, Shoulder pain
~ Stiffness in Joints
~ Headaches & Migraines
~ Leg pain and Sciatica
~ Arthritic pain
~ Postural, and Gait problems
~ Sports Injuries
Select a Therapist listed below to schedule Chiropractic Appointment online!
Dr. Jordan Watson
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a light touch approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole body health and performance. In a typical Craniosacral Therapy session you remain fully clothed and your therapist uses delicate manual techniques to improve the form and function of your central nervous system.
Craniosacral Therapy helps relieve a full spectrum of pain, illness and dysfunction, including:
~ Migraines and Headaches
~ Chronic Neck and Back Pain
~ Stress and Tension Related Disorders
~ Motor Coordination Impairments
~ Infant and Childhood Disorders
~ Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
~ Chronic Fatigue
~ Fibromyalgia
~ TMJ Syndrome
~ Scoliosis
~ Central Nervous System Disorders
~ Learning Disabilities
~ Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
~ Orthopedic Problems
~ And Many Other Conditions
Patricia Gosse, RMT; Joyce Forchuk, RMT, PT are available to offer Craniosacral Therapy. Please call 780.986.0566 to schedule a Craniosacral Treatment.
Craniosacral Therapy helps relieve a full spectrum of pain, illness and dysfunction, including:
~ Migraines and Headaches
~ Chronic Neck and Back Pain
~ Stress and Tension Related Disorders
~ Motor Coordination Impairments
~ Infant and Childhood Disorders
~ Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
~ Chronic Fatigue
~ Fibromyalgia
~ TMJ Syndrome
~ Scoliosis
~ Central Nervous System Disorders
~ Learning Disabilities
~ Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
~ Orthopedic Problems
~ And Many Other Conditions
Patricia Gosse, RMT; Joyce Forchuk, RMT, PT are available to offer Craniosacral Therapy. Please call 780.986.0566 to schedule a Craniosacral Treatment.
Cupping is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy in which cups (glass, silicone or plastic) are strategically placed on the body, creating a vacuum like suction, as a way of stimulating the flow of energy. It has many different purposes, including to aid with pain relief, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well being.
Angela Fenner, Brooke Kuzio & La Riena are available to offer cupping. Please call 780.986.0566 to schedule a Cupping Treatment!
Angela Fenner, Brooke Kuzio & La Riena are available to offer cupping. Please call 780.986.0566 to schedule a Cupping Treatment!
Custom Orthotics
The structure of your foot supports your entire body weight. Research has shown that 60-70% of people have abnormally functioning feet. Poor foot function and misalignment of the foot muscles and bones can cause problems in the feet, knees, hips and even the lower back and neck. Structural problems in your feet can alter your walking pattern and cause spinal problems.
Some of the common symptoms of poor foot mechanics are:
1. foot pain - including arch and heel pain
2. bunions and hammer toes
3. hip, leg, and knee pain
4. back pain and neck pain
If you think about how much time you spend on your feet everyday you will realize that a mild problem in the foot can lead to big problems quickly. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, talk to Dr. Watson about having your foot mechanics checked.
Orthotics help maintain proper foot function, which effects your entire body. Orthotics are slim insole devices worn in your shoes that provide correction and support to our feet. Properly fitted custom orthotics will restore proper foot function and help relieve your discomfort.
Dr. Jordan Watson is available to offer Orthotics. Please call 780.986.0566 to schedule an Orthotics Appointment.
Some of the common symptoms of poor foot mechanics are:
1. foot pain - including arch and heel pain
2. bunions and hammer toes
3. hip, leg, and knee pain
4. back pain and neck pain
If you think about how much time you spend on your feet everyday you will realize that a mild problem in the foot can lead to big problems quickly. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, talk to Dr. Watson about having your foot mechanics checked.
Orthotics help maintain proper foot function, which effects your entire body. Orthotics are slim insole devices worn in your shoes that provide correction and support to our feet. Properly fitted custom orthotics will restore proper foot function and help relieve your discomfort.
Dr. Jordan Watson is available to offer Orthotics. Please call 780.986.0566 to schedule an Orthotics Appointment.
Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy is a range of techniques that manipulate the soft tissues of the body. Massage Therapy can help "prevent, maintain, rehabilitate, or augment physical function to relieve pain" (Massage Therapy Act, 1991). It can relieve discomforts stemming from a number of conditions including stress, chronic pain, and muscle overuse and strain. The Registered Massage Therapists at Leduc Wellness Centre practice using a variety of different techniques of massage including deep tissue, swedish, relaxation, theraputic, lymph drainage, pre and post natal, craniosacral, and hot stone.
Select a Therapist listed below to schedule a Massage Therapy Appointment online!
Kayla Davis, RMT
Patricia Gosse, RMT
Brooke Kuzio, RMT
Randi Scholes, RMT
Angela Fenner, RMT
Joyce Forchuk, RMT is also available to offer Massage Therapy. Please call 780.986.0566 to schedule a Massage Therapy Treatment with Joyce.
Select a Therapist listed below to schedule a Massage Therapy Appointment online!
Kayla Davis, RMT
Patricia Gosse, RMT
Brooke Kuzio, RMT
Randi Scholes, RMT
Angela Fenner, RMT
Joyce Forchuk, RMT is also available to offer Massage Therapy. Please call 780.986.0566 to schedule a Massage Therapy Treatment with Joyce.
Reflexology is an ancient healing art originating in China around 3000 B.C. It is based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet (and hands) which correspond to every part, organ, and gland of the body. Specific pressure is applied to precise reflex points, activating the body's inherent healing power. Reflexology may reduce stress and tension, relieve pain, and restore the body to a better state and improve physical well being.
European Reflexology uses new techniques specific to body systems. Some of the treatments offered deal with digestion, allergies, back pain, diabetes, thyroid balancing, maternity, facial reflexology and meridian reflexology.
Patricia Gosse and Angela Fenner, RMT is available to offer Reflexology.
European Reflexology uses new techniques specific to body systems. Some of the treatments offered deal with digestion, allergies, back pain, diabetes, thyroid balancing, maternity, facial reflexology and meridian reflexology.
Patricia Gosse and Angela Fenner, RMT is available to offer Reflexology.