If you have been injured at work you need to:
1. Tell your Employer and fill out appropriate WCB paper work. www.wcb.ab.ca
2. Tell your Doctor of Chiropractic.
Your initial visit is covered by WCB regardless of whether or not they accept your claim. Please notify the Clinic within 48 hours of being injured. If you are able please print and fill out the following form for our records: Chiropractic Work Injury Form and bring it with you to your initial visit.
1. Tell your Employer and fill out appropriate WCB paper work. www.wcb.ab.ca
2. Tell your Doctor of Chiropractic.
Your initial visit is covered by WCB regardless of whether or not they accept your claim. Please notify the Clinic within 48 hours of being injured. If you are able please print and fill out the following form for our records: Chiropractic Work Injury Form and bring it with you to your initial visit.